The principles driving Acupuncture are that pain and illness are the body being out of balance with itself, and therefore Qi, the body’s vital energy, cannot flow freely along the body’s Meridian Network (the network along which Qi flows). There
Tui Na
Tui na is a form of massage which opens up meridian channels in a similar way to acupuncture, breaks down scar tissue to speed up the healing process, and increases blood flow to a damaged area. Patients receiving Tui Na
Modern Acupuncture Facial Stimulation Needles
Acupuncture is always evolving. One of the newer techniques to come out of China for use in our clinic is called Fu Shi Zhen, and has for now been abbreviated as FSN in English. This style of acupuncture angles the needles
Moxibustion is the application of heat to acupuncture points in order to open up meridian channels. There are many ways to practice moxibustion. The most well known is lighting Moxa sticks. However, we use Micro Element Heater Lamps (Pictured Above)
Cupping Therapy
Cupping Therapy is a form of therapy where bulb shaped glass jars are usually heated, or sometimes pumped out, to create an area of low pressure, and is then applied to an area of smooth skin to relieve congested blood
Herbal Remedies
Herbal Remedies are medicines made from traditional Chinese herbs which we mix and prescribe to you, with instructions, should the need arise. We use mostly pre-powdered ingredients to facilitate more precise dosage and ease of use for the patient.
About Us
Suiyun Huang (Edwina) Bachelor of Medicine, Advance Diploma of Chinese Medicine, BAcC member Edwina has completed a 6-year course of integrated conventional Medical and Traditional Chinese Medicine Education in China. Edwina is registered with the British Acupuncture Council and has
Read more"We would not hesitate to recommend this practice to anyone in need of the type of help that modern medicine just can’t seem to give them."